Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday September, 30th - I'm wierded out

  As soon as I arrived, I could see something was out of place. The kitchen table was glued to the ceiling and the walls were taped together. How could I not notice this mess. I wanted to sit and think but the couch was nailed to the hard wood floor top down, and the chair was split perfectly into several pieces of wood that were now spread around the house. I decided to check upstairs for anything odd, but I was crazy for thinking I would find something normal. The stairs seemed solid, until I stepped onto them. The stairs tore into a hole below my ankles. I couldn't help but to stair into the hole with fright. I grabbed the wooden guard rails to try to pull myself away, but they disappeared before I had a grip. The hole now drug me downwards until my whole body was under and I was floating in darkness. The only thing I saw was darkness and the only thing I felt was chaos. Chaos grew closer almost as if it had become my friend, but some people don't understand chaos just like they might not understand this story, but you better piece your life together before chaos consumes you,

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursady September, 25th - Bad Mistake

  The time was 4:30 P.M. and school was over. The day grew hot and fun thoughts raced, and anyone who knew me when I was eight years old knew that I was a fun guy with stupid thoughts. The stupid thought of the day was to have me and my brother play army with a Red Rider BB Gun. I thought this was a great idea, and that it was nearly as great as the time my brother and I decided to ride a bike inside a swimming pool. The idea I had that day was as dumb as making a peanut and jelly sandwich with a hot dog bun, but I thought it was genius at the time.
  The time was 4:35 P.M. and we were loading the BBs into our weapons and I couldn't help but think how fun this was going to be. This was going to be like real war I thought while loading; not knowing that real war meant death. My gun was the same as my brother's except for the fact that it had a bent barrel because I ran into a tree with it preventing it from shooting straight. The time was 4:40 P.M. and my brother and I decided to due a test of our weapon's capability to shoot. So I pulled my trigger thinking the safety was on, but it wasn't and the black barrel of the Red Rider gun shot a single golden BB from inside. When this incident happened we both were in the living room, and the BB launched forward only to shatter the TV screen.
  When I realized what happened I bursted into tears because I knew my Dad was going to be an unstoppable rage when he saw the TV screen that evening. My brother was also in tears, but not because of the fear of my Dad, but because of the joy of him knowing I would be in trouble. The rest of the day was filled with suspense as I waited for my Dad to get home, and when he did the day was filled with standing sense I couldn't sit, but I will leave it at that. Don't shoot TVs!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday September, 24th - Endearing Quality

  I believe my most endearing quality would be my quiet personality. I am normally quiet, but not awkward quiet. I am not one to say my opinion out loud, and I like to hear what other people want to say. I am the person that waits to say something at the perfect moment. Just remember to speak softly.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September, 3rd - Strange Fruit

  Deep in the country of Jiiblos hangs a magnificent fruit of marvelous taste and wonders. It hangs off the Sader tress in the Jiiblos mountains where the air is warm and the ground is soft. Although, many haven't ever seen this fruit; they say it grants is consumer with the extraordinary ability to fly, grow, shrink, expand, and many other abilities which are unknown. Only one man has ever experienced the once in a lifetime opportunity to consume one. This man's name was Charles Chango the third and he traveled to the top of the mountain to pick only one of the fruit. He described the mysterious fruit as being energizing, juicy, and cold to the touch which made the flavors tingle his taste buds more so than any other fruit. After that warm summer day he said he would never dare sink his teeth into another fruit besides that one again. Some may ask why but they will never know sense Charles Chango the third disappeared two days later. No one knows what happened to him but most now do not dare to got atop the Jiiblos mountains and pick from the Sader trees a single fruit. The Jiiblos mountains have never been more quiet.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday September, 17th - Alphabet Soup

A random line hit the paper and he smiled with glee,
Because he thought there was none smarter than him.
Could he really write his own language?

Days passed, and lines became letters.
Every second was filled with more thoughts and lines.
For this time it was going to be different.

Giant thoughts became eager intensions in his mind.
He didn't stop for brakes, and
Intensions strengthened.

Jake wrote quick swift lines, and
Killed the white space left on his page
Leaving no space for question, he had created twelve letters for his alphabet.

M was replaced by a circle, and an oval connected on the inside.
Never again would he use the letters of the real alphabet he thought.
Only the letters he wrote would be used.

P was deformed into a line and a triangle strung together by a square.
Q was written with a hexagon instead of a circle, and
R was now a squiggle line struck with a slash through mid-center.

Seven thirty P.M. read his clock on a Sunday night
Time was all he needed know.
Unfrozen clocks sped along at a seemingly great pace that night.

Various shapes marked the page, and
When the clock read nine thirty P.M he was nearly finished.
X was merely a heavy dash and a hexagon linked together now.

Yelping in glee he threw the alphabet into the air in celebration.
Z had the last laugh though, because Jake forgot his own alphabet the next day.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday September, 16th - The Spoon's Perspective

  The day for me can never be to easy. It is always something edging the reserve of my temper. One day I was put in the microwave for two minutes by this stupid, little, snot nose, eight year old. I was angry and my medal sizzled in the bowl. The only time I get my vacation is in the dishwasher the water is relaxing and it is thirty minutes of not having to be cold or melted by someone's food. The water rushes in and out of  the cage where I stand, and I cant help but to look around at the numerous amount of bowls and plates with stains so deep they make me feel pain. Most of these bowls, plates, knifes, spoons, and forks are my friends that I have known for a while. Sometimes one of them will go missing only to be recovered under the little brat's bed later. That as well happened to me, but I wasn't recovered until five days after the incident. The dust bunnies hoped around me and covered me in the nastiest of dusts. Nasty enough for the dishes of the washer to call it grout.
  Only ten minutes had passed in the wash and it was very satisfactory to know I had another twenty to go. By now many of the dishes, mostly the knifes, start to ramble about how many times they had cut someone by accident. They use it as bragging rights against the other dishes. The soap puts shine back into us however we don't ever wont to be used again. Ten minutes left and anxiety starts to settle in the dark town of the wash. Many joke and tell stories of depression to new dishes about how it will always rain in the dark town of the wash. I laugh only to be painfully revived by anxiety as I think how I will be used. Will I be a dust bunnies friend, or maybe a tool for scraping food off of my many others friends. five minutes left.
  Most of the soap is gone and the water has sunk into the caverns of the wash only to raise again later. Two minutes the timer says. Most of us are shivering with  fear but find the courage to do it all again. One minute. Bravery couldn't be farther away for me this time. Thirty seconds. I knew the wash would be waiting for me next time and I was thankful for this fact. five seconds. Silvery eyes snap to the door and it cracks open. There stands the little devilish brat that has no sense of mercy as it reaches for me and  all the other dish smile with relief that is wasn't them to go. As for me I only wish you wouldn't play with your food.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Septeber, 15th - What the Deuce?

  Everyone remembers the day the brilliant painter didn't paint. Everyone remembered the day he dropped to the floor in greed. Everyone remembered that day when the clouds weren't so white and the sun wasn't so showing. Everyone remembered, but they didn't want to forget. The painter was only alive because of the greed his paintings got him. The money that paid himself out of death. Was a fortune not to be recovered easily. The day everyone remembered was the day of his last painting.
  His mansion was dimly lit as the night outlined the sky with darkness and shards of twinkling light. Only one room had been illuminated by light. The painters room they called it, full of mystery some said. Paint covered the windows with a broad array of different colors that you couldn't look through. They say the painter took only seconds to paint because he was painting the figments only found in his imagination, only the deepest parts anyways.
  The night grew longer and the day came sooner as the painter stroke the canvas with swift movements. The colors seemed to appear from no where. There were strange beings. Goats with a violin smiling as he plays a note. A mansion in the background haunted the surrounding areas with its illuminated windows assumed to be candle light. The vast space was covered with bright, dark, blinded, faded, and transparent colors only seen at a masquerade party.
  A fish danced in the background with a wand in his left fin conducting a ceremony only he knew of with a object only he could create. The fish had no trouble hovering his fin past each note on his magical machine. He danced and smiled with correct posture in the clouds of oddly dimed colors. Although the fish and the goat smiled none smiled more that the couple in the front of the scene.
 There was a man faded in color holding a women with a brides head dress on and flowers in hand that smiled at his company. The couple seemed happy with this arrangement of fish and goats on instruments. For them the day didn't not matter because it was truly a wedding only one could imagine.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday September, 11th - Music Critic

Foster the People's "Pumped Up Kicks", refers to a kid that has plans to shoot his classmates in school with a gun he found in his Dad's closet. The song has a line in it that goes, "All the other Kids with pumped up kicks you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun." This line refers to the shooter telling the Kids to have pumped up kicks because you'd better run from my gun or I will shoot you. The song has a rather dark meaning, but it is based upon the violent things kids do such as violent video games that make kids do violent acts.
  The song was overall good for me, because even though the meaning is dark the sound of the pop triumphs over the fact that it is so dark. The beat and the slight murkiness of the lyrics makes it truly good pop. The chorus as well can pick up the audience and put more enjoyment into the song along with the whistling in parts of the song.
  You couldn't blame the artist to create lyrics likes this sense what has happened in the past when the song was released. The amount of school shootings has rapidly increased in the last five years and this really affects the mood of the song and what it has to say. Overall this pop song was enjoyable for me and hopefully to others as well.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday September, 9th - Film Review

  This 1930s set Paris film was truly filled with anticipation and mystery as a boy named Hugo fights for answers about his father and a strange automation. Hugo is an orphan boy who lives in a train station in Paris around the 1930s. Hugo is a troubled lad as he try's to find answers to his questions of why his father left this metal automation with him after his death in a tragic fire. He struggles to rebuild the automation in hoping to receive a message from his deceased father. He soon meets a bitter and sorrowful man named  George who works at the station's clockwork shop. Hugo encounters conflict with this man when the man finds Hugo's notebook containing information about the automation. The story unravels and Hugo soon rebuilds the automation with help from the old man George and discovers a secret relating to his father and the old man.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Spetember, 8th - America, Fairyville?

 She never talks, smiles, or blinks, but she always has her mind set to the world and all that inhabit it. She thinks of herself as a twisted one of sorts and doesn't consider the odds. The odds of what if or what was to happen if I did this or that. She had her ways and the world did too except she didn't care about the world or what it had to offer. This fairy had a twisted mind only filled with ashes and dust. She never stops and considers or gives mercy. She only offers unfairness with a slight hint of unawareness.
  The fairy burnt down cities only to set them to ashes and dust that which resembled her mind. The world needed drinking water, but she dried the oceans and strangled mountain streams. The world needed a safe home she thought but she did not care the slightest. She destroyed the tallest buildings on this Earth and gave no sympathy to the ones that needed them. The fairy knows not of what is good here on the third rock from the sun.
  The winters were colder and the summers were as well. She gave no warmth and saw no warmth as the world froze and stopped. "Beware me", she said, "I am the one that controls the good and the evil". The world did not except this fact but, they didn't have an option against this unstopping evil. The people did not give warmth and they did not see warmth.
  She kicked the moon off it's space tracks and the nights were dark. The sun did not greet the people with warmth. Instead, the sun was only a reminder of another day of this demented fairy. The world was in misery as wars became truces and bombs became a laughing stock. The fairy did not make the world a happy place to live for the past few years.
   Until a day like any other with people hugging to the streets for shelter the sun shun a little brighter and the moon made friends with the Earth once again. The Moon and the Sun rose together and gave the world a small gleam of hope as the sun rained warmth once again. The nights were a little brighter with the moon bright in the sky as well. The fairy was never to be seen again only to leave the people on the third rock from the sun wondering where? Where?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday September, 5th - Aliens in Egypt

 The date is 1323 B.C.E and King Tutankhamen has just taken power over Egypt. He is the twelfth king of the eighteenth dynasty. The day was dusty and warm, but the nights were calm and shallow of any excitement. There was only the clear night sky doted with bright stars and the moon seemed to shine directly on the new King of Egypt.
  The second night of his reign was upon them and there was nothing but celebration as they danced and sang for King Tut and his newly wedded wife. He married his half sister, Ankhesenamun. The nights of his reign were glorious indeed as he restored the Egypt's traditional religion of Polytheism, belief in more than one god.
  This belief harshly expressed the belief of an afterlife and "The Book of the Dead". Kings were often honored in the highest ritual of mummifying and given a tomb full of gold and things the King might need in the afterlife.
  Years have passed sense King Tut has been chosen as King and the night is once again calm and dusty, but the night sky was not so clear. The moon did not poke out from behind the clouds, and the stars shut their eyes as it was a night not to be seen.
 King Tut sits upon his throne with a blank expression across his face as his subjects present him with gifts and gold. His expression did not change until a flicker of light caught his eye. He gracefully walked to a large doorway in front of his palace and peers out into the night only to see a strange creature staring back at him.
  King Tut roars at the monster, "Get off my land as you are not welcome here hideous beast of the night", the creature nearly squinted its rounded yellow eyes in a angered way. King Tut now takes a strong step forward with shimmering gold staff enlightened by the moon in hand and repeats, "Get of my land you are not welcome here", The disgraced beast does not move and King Tut falls to the ground in huge breathes. King Tut takes one last glance at the creature and falls to shades of black behind his eyelids.
  The creature of the night was not seen again along with King Tut's wife Ankhesenamun. King Tutankhamen was buried in the Valley of Kings after his mysterious death at only eight-teen. His tomb was not uncovered until 1922 only for the story to continue in the new world.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday September, 4th - Historical Accuracy

  March, 17th 1930 New York- The construction of the Empire State building is underway rising at four and a half stories per week. The streets are soggy with rain and the air is damp with smog from the masses of Ford Model A cars on the streets. People are sore with poverty as the Great Depression sweeps through the country destroying the economy and slowing the construction of the Empire State building.
  The nights are stricken with silence only to be split by the sound of slow Jazz playing in the distance, echoing off the glum streets and buildings. The sound is fitting for this time. The song playing is "Basin Street Blues", by Louis Armstrong. A year passes and in 1930 a rather precarious article hits the New York Times newspaper. It says "May, 1st 1931 - President Hoover officially turns the lights on for the Big Apple's own Empire State Building only to have his peepers blown out by a curve being standing on top of the beams of the building".
  The article says that there was a Martian atop the Empire Sate Building that day and that it has not been seen again after the lights were illuminated. The men that now continue the work on the building work cautiously and without rest. The being has not been seen again.