Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October, 28th - Out of toilet paper

  Lil Wayne pulls up in a food city parking lot with a problem in his mind. There was about to be a horrible party in his pants and his J's were at risk if he couldn't get to the bathroom in time. "I aint got no worries", he said as he steps out of his Lamborghini. His smiling expression was soon wiped away when he felt a discomfort in a place discomfort didn't want to be in. He tip toes in his Jordan's as fast as he could to the entrance of the food city. As soon as he gets inside he broke out into a blood curdling scream, "Where is the Bathroom my peeps", the manager was amazed to see Lil Wayne but Wayne charged towards the restroom without making eye contact with anyone. He bursts through the door and enters a stall. He sits and waits to  "Drop the world", and when he did he sighed with relief and reaches for the toilet paper. His hand grasps only air where the toilet paper should have been, but there was none. Lil Wayne screams "why!" in a horror movie like manner. His mind races and his heart beats like the bass. There was only one thing to do. Lil Wayne pulled his pants up and walked out of the restroom with legs crossed. He passes a long line of people with pen and paper in hand asking for his autograph. Lil Wayne's only response was "Sorry 4 the wait, you are out of toilet paper". He proceeded to run out of the store, legs still crossed, and into his Lamborghini which he drove off in.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Mondat Octoer, 27th - Fairy tale name poem







                                    Laid back

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday October, 24th - X marks the spot

   I pull the rope towards my right side to change directions of the sails only to be overthrown by the wind. My hand flew backwards in a fishtailing motion and smacked Captain Zedd Van Cook in his handle bar mustache. Jack was in the hull drinking all of the rum, and as usual he wasn't helping. Zedd and I stood firm on the deck while the wind sung a death song in our ears. We knew that the rain would stop any second now and we would praise the sun when we see it. We checked the waters for any rocks that could potentially puncture the ships hull, which Jack was still in drinking his mind away, and while checking the waters we saw a lantern burning eternal inside a rounded glass canteen approaching us. Lightning pierced the nearby water and light was shed upon us for a brief moment, and what we saw was a ship in the shape of a leviathan with lantern fire as eyes. The ship approached us deathly and the rain now poured the heavens, and the water rumbled hell. The water was going to be my shallow grave I thought to myself. I watched the ship pull closer and it was no longer death that occupied my mind, it was curiosity. The ship had no one upon its decks. It was abandoned.
   Captain Zedd had a smile on his face and a sense of humor in his eyes. Zedd latched his hand on a rope and swung over to the leviathan, and signaled for me to do the same. "What about Jack?", I said while looking at the door that led to the hull. "Leave the drunk for fate to decide and swing aboard lad!", Zedd responded with a raised eyebrow. I swung across and Zedd, with wealth in his mind, stepped in to the hull, and there beneath the steps nailed to the muggy walls of the ship hung a map. Zedd snatched the map off the wall and held it in his hands looking upon it. I stared over his shoulder with wide eyes, and as soon as Zedd saw my eyes hit the map he quickly stuffed it into his pocket, And said, "treasure". He stepped up to the steering spike on the top of the captain's house and sailed in a direction I did not know. I fell asleep to the sound of raindrops hitting the old wooden floor that night believing in Captain Zedd to lead us to safety. I awoke the next morning and we were on a small island. Zedd wasn't on the leviathan, but I raised my gaze to the shore and there he was pushing a large chest towards the boat. I stepped onto the foreign sand and helped Zedd with the chest which seemed to get heavier by the hour.
   We used all of our abilities to raise the chest onboard the leviathan, but we weren't able to do so. We sat up against the chest while breathing heavily. The island wasn't far from paradise I thought as I sat. The waters were as pure as a rain drop that had been filtered through the clouds on crisp chilled morning in the days of fall season. Palm tress stood tall almost as if they were posing for us to look upon them with admiration. Mountains with flowing falls and fine sanded beaches surrounded the inner island with beauty. Captain Zedd didn't share my admiration as he was already prying the lock off the cracked wood of the chest. I stood stiff and simply kicked the rotted wood to reveal a hole in the chest's right panel. In time we smashed the chest and uncovered anything but wealth. Inside the chest, drunk as could be, was Jack smiling with contentment. The captain and I tore Jack from the chest and his rum. Zedd uncovered a shrivled rope from a sack he carried along with him, and tied it around Jack's throat. I stood there and felt no sorrow for what we were going to do with jack. Jack still smiled with pure drunkenness unknowing what was going to happen. We pulled Jack across the sand and near a palm tree where we stood Jack up and hung him. Jack was dead however jack's smile was not. So Zedd smacked it off and we sat on the beach waiting for help in this paradise.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday October, 23rd - Battle of the Puns

   It was an ordinary day of archery practice.  Everyone would already be there by the time I arrived  and I would smile like usual. The day was mellow as could be and I couldn't wipe a smile off my face. The coach called for all archers to the line where we would be slinging arrows at targets for  the day. The first shot was always the worst but this one was the unbelievably terrible. I held the arrow in my right hand about to attach it to the string when it feel out of my hand and onto the ground in front of me. I knelt to pick it up when it said, " It isn't safe to drop arrows, stupid", it gave a small annoying laugh, but it had a point. I responded with the everyday comeback of I'm smarter than you! The arrow stared at me and said," Dude, I'm pretty sure I'm the sharpest thing around here, so are you sure you are smarter than me". I picked the arrow up and pulled the string to my jaw and released with anger. The arrow flew towards the target and snapped in half when it hit. I put the bow down and by that time I had realized everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. "Next time ill get a ten" I said to the coach who was watching me contently.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October, 21st - Deja Vu

   You studied the old man carefully. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but something about him reminded you of someone else. But who? This moment happens to many and to many people it is a thought that can literally consume hours and hours of thought to even start to consider what happens in your mind at this moment. At some point in your life you will most likely have the dream where you are falling and when you nearly hit the ground you awake with a fast beating heart. I love to think about these types of things and possible explanations of why or how this happens.
  What is a dream first of all? Many people say the mind runs lose when it isn't restricted by your conscious when you are awake, and we BELIEVE that we only use some parts of our mind while the rest is left unexplored and foreign. Yes, the most foreign thing in the world is in your very own head and you use it everyday. A black hole the size of twelve galaxies is less interesting than our minds to me. So what happens to the rest of your mind while you are asleep. I BELIEVE that it wonders around just like a dog without a leash, it explores new things and new possibilities we haven't considered yet maybe.
  So, is deja vu just a moment where you use that foreign part of your mind for only a moment, and you recall what it has explored for only a couple of seconds at a time. Everyone has there own opinion and this is mine in a nutshell. Although, this could be possible it doesn't explain why we only see what is present or in the past, why couldn't we see what is in the future? We just don't know!

If you liked this or my "I remember when." blog then I highly recommend watching Jason Silvia's Shots of Awe on YouTube.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thusday October, 16th - Rain

  I have to say that rain actually makes the world seem more comfortable to me if that makes any sort of sense to you. This is really something I cannot explain in words. I guess knowing that the most exciting part of the day will be something nature throws at me and not the regular school stress that is layered on me like a never-ending hole, just call me Alice.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15th - I remember when.

  I remember when coming to school meant just another adventure. I remember a time before I had video games and most of my time was spent outside climbing trees or playing soldier outside with my brother and our guns were sticks. I remember when imagination was just another everyday occurrence and I don't think that we as humans go back to these times often enough like we should. We often mask troubles with anger or happiness which are just states of mind, and I think if we could get out and back to the childish state of mind that we had so many yeas ago the world would  unfold with wonder for us to gaze upon once again.
  I remember when I would play in the nearby forest as a kid and I would do so for hours playing, running, or just making something out of dirt and twigs, and to me it almost makes me cry honestly when I think that we as people have a hard time going back to this simple state of mind. Even though I say this, I myself am a hypocrite because I couldn't go back to this time of thinking, but I like to think we still do these things, but in a different way. Video games for example are just another way to explore and when you see a kid playing video games for hours and hours you see someone who is unfit and maybe a "loner", as someone might say, but really that kid is exploring a different world that most don't see and it is exhilarating to see this happen because those child like thoughts show once again.
  I don't mean to pour my thoughts into a blog but it is something everyone needs to consider and think upon because if I were to ask you when the last time you felt like you could have the time of your life with just a few simplistic things already found in nature your answer would be "When I was a kid". Don't let the thought consume you but just consider it when you need to.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday October 10th - Pet Peeve

   My biggest pet peeve is when someone asks me why I don't talk or when people ask stupid simple questions they could answer themselves. Most the time when I meet people they ask me why am I so quiet and usually the first few times they ask I will shrug it off and give a small polite smile, no grudge what so ever, but it is aggravating when they ask the question over and over. I respect curiosity, but not constant conciliating curiosity.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday October, 6th - Persona Poem - The guy in the iron shell

I'm going to do something different today.
I'm going to fly far away
maybe to Paris or the Moon
but in my mind, it is only a glance.

I'm going to brush my teeth
I'm going to take a Sunday drive in the Audi

Put the keys in the ignition
Wave hello to Mr. Depp

Its all in the life of Iron Man.
Yeah I've got money,
but what is the point when you have done everything.
I guess ill have to build something,...again.

Maybe a shelf for my film awards
or a flying battleship.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday October, 2nd - The Frog Prince

  Once upon a time their was beautiful Princess named Mary who lived in a stunning castle with much wealth to herself. Mary was happy in this castle, but she only had one wish, to marry a beautiful rich Prince that would play in the golden gardens of the castle amongst her. The Princess ,Mary, thought she was loved by all in her kingdom, but it was true that most of the people in her kingdom despised her and seeked to take all that she had.

  One day a box arrived at Princess Mary's door. Filled with curiosity Mary opened the box to find a frog and under the frog sat a letter. The letter said;
  Dear Princess Mary,
     "We are your people and we want to help you with your loneliness inside that large castle, so here inside this box is a magical frog. This frog is actually a beautiful prince that has been cursed by an evil witch, and if you can remove the curse than he will become the Prince you have dreamed of. To remove the curse you must give him a place to sleep, royal food, and money which he will then use to buy you a ring and marry you."

  The Princess Mary of course offered him a place to sleep, food, and money. She sat down and watched the frog jump around, and imagined how fantastical her wedding was going to be, but the frog never bought her a ring. Mary thought that the things she had given the frog wasn't enough so she gave the small frog more and more until she had nothing more to give. So bewildered and poor she sat on the dusty roads of the village begging for money, but only receiving mean stairs and awful looks. She did not live happy ever after.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday October, 1st - Fairy tale characters

Little red cap was taking a walk
only to be stalked
by a wicked creature of dark
hiding behind a tree in nature's park.

She thought she was alone
as she walked upon the stone.
A shiver ran up her spine
when she saw something hiding behind the pine.

She dropped her basket and ran for cover
but there was no cover for her.
The chaser was none other than the big bad wolf
and he had disappeared with a poof.

Little red cap thought she was alone again
until she turned and saw the wolf with a big grin.
She screamed and closed her eyes
but it lead to her awful demise.