Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday October, 28th - Out of toilet paper

  Lil Wayne pulls up in a food city parking lot with a problem in his mind. There was about to be a horrible party in his pants and his J's were at risk if he couldn't get to the bathroom in time. "I aint got no worries", he said as he steps out of his Lamborghini. His smiling expression was soon wiped away when he felt a discomfort in a place discomfort didn't want to be in. He tip toes in his Jordan's as fast as he could to the entrance of the food city. As soon as he gets inside he broke out into a blood curdling scream, "Where is the Bathroom my peeps", the manager was amazed to see Lil Wayne but Wayne charged towards the restroom without making eye contact with anyone. He bursts through the door and enters a stall. He sits and waits to  "Drop the world", and when he did he sighed with relief and reaches for the toilet paper. His hand grasps only air where the toilet paper should have been, but there was none. Lil Wayne screams "why!" in a horror movie like manner. His mind races and his heart beats like the bass. There was only one thing to do. Lil Wayne pulled his pants up and walked out of the restroom with legs crossed. He passes a long line of people with pen and paper in hand asking for his autograph. Lil Wayne's only response was "Sorry 4 the wait, you are out of toilet paper". He proceeded to run out of the store, legs still crossed, and into his Lamborghini which he drove off in.