Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday October 15th - I remember when.

  I remember when coming to school meant just another adventure. I remember a time before I had video games and most of my time was spent outside climbing trees or playing soldier outside with my brother and our guns were sticks. I remember when imagination was just another everyday occurrence and I don't think that we as humans go back to these times often enough like we should. We often mask troubles with anger or happiness which are just states of mind, and I think if we could get out and back to the childish state of mind that we had so many yeas ago the world would  unfold with wonder for us to gaze upon once again.
  I remember when I would play in the nearby forest as a kid and I would do so for hours playing, running, or just making something out of dirt and twigs, and to me it almost makes me cry honestly when I think that we as people have a hard time going back to this simple state of mind. Even though I say this, I myself am a hypocrite because I couldn't go back to this time of thinking, but I like to think we still do these things, but in a different way. Video games for example are just another way to explore and when you see a kid playing video games for hours and hours you see someone who is unfit and maybe a "loner", as someone might say, but really that kid is exploring a different world that most don't see and it is exhilarating to see this happen because those child like thoughts show once again.
  I don't mean to pour my thoughts into a blog but it is something everyone needs to consider and think upon because if I were to ask you when the last time you felt like you could have the time of your life with just a few simplistic things already found in nature your answer would be "When I was a kid". Don't let the thought consume you but just consider it when you need to.

1 comment:

  1. Reliving the childhood youth is something that I often think about and the part where you go on to say that video games are another way of exploration kind of makes me think I am reliving it in a pseudo-manner when I play video games. Nothing will ever be as simple as it was back in the day, and I escape the hardships of my experience by sitting down and playing a game. The childish mind is far superior, considering there are less things to worry about.
