Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday November, 14th - The Berlin Wall

 Vermin Germans they called us, Communists we called them, but it couldn't be foreseen that a giant concrete wall would separate us from our people. Today is August, 13th 1974 and the wall still stands tall mocking us a little more each day. We are the fascists, the Germans who live on the west side of the Berlin wall and another day, another year we live in the shadow casted upon us by this wall. The Communist say that we are vermin of the socialist state or east Germany. They say it is for the greater good of Germany, but we fascists see nothing more than tyranny spreading across our country. This is our country and it isn't fair for us to be treated like a rat. They know rats spread, rats devise plans, and rats destroy their enemies with what ever force they have. So in the hearts of all the Germans on the west side of the wall, we have hope that one day the wall will fall, and like the rats they believe we are, we will invade and strip their so called socialist state to nothing but a desolate land of broken dreams. One day we will invade eastern Germany and chip our marks of hate into the wall and do the same to them so that they will not forget who we are and what they did to us. And like rats we will strike.

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