Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday November, 20th - Emotions

   Joy walks into the room with a cheerful smile on her face and turns the TV to channel one for Riley's daily dose of glee. Joy whispers into a microphone that lay calmly atop the small table in front of her," It's a Friday Riley", and simply smiles as Riley woke that morning. Joy walked out of the room, still with a bright smile printed upon her lips.
   It was about that time that Disgust walked into the room with a smirk on her face and eyes pitched upwards and to the right of her head. She walked towards the TV, arms crossed, and turned to channel one where Joy had left it. By this time Riley had already arrived at school and was taking out anything she needed for first period class that day. As she took out her last few remaining books she catches a glimpse of someone tripping another person and Disgust says," What has this world come to?", and struts out of the room.
   Fear caught the look of Disgust's slight smirk as he walked into the room cautiously. He sat gently on the couch in front of the TV with eyes 'a' wondering around the room checking for any safety hazards such as a concussion or tumor. He turns the TV to channel one and by this time Riley was walking into class with arms crossed and books in her hands. Though she seemed disgusted at the world she still had a slight confident smile on her face as it was Friday. Riley was in English at the time, so Fear looked out the books Riley had brought with her, but he saw no English book. He started to panic and ran out of the room leaving the TV on accidentally.
   Anger was standing in the doorway watching Fear run out of the room in tears. He walked to the TV, arms crossed and eyebrows steadily pointed downwards as if they were trying to reach his nose, and watched as Riley quickly sprawled out all of her books looking for the English book. Anger was tired of watching Riley search for her book so he stormed out of the room with an increasing temper.
   Sadness took slow steps into the room with her head pointed towards the floor and almost missing Anger who was throwing his hands in the air in rage. Sadness slowly but surly made her way to the TV and watched as Riley asked someone for their English book, but no one would let her use theirs sense there was a test that day. The test was soon handed out and Riley, now sweating in fear of failing the test, asked several people for answers to the test, but she got none. The teacher however had heard her talking and took her outside the classroom for a moments time. The teacher returned but Riley did not. Riley had walked to the principles office in sadness to tell about her cheating on the test, and so the day continued with Riley dragging her head upon the ground in shame.

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