Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday November, 12th - The Macabre Home

 He ran down the dark corridor knowing that his demise was close and his fear was drawing closer to constrict his mind with fear and anger. He falls to the stony cold floor out of breath and discouraged. "No", he thought "this cant happen, this wont happen again. I will not be restricted by this beast". He gathered his wits and stood facing the monster that had been chasing him for the majority of a year. Things seemed to move in slow motion as he stood. The beast disappeared from sight and the surroundings turned bleak as woke to be comforted by his cat that had been waiting by his bedside though out the night. With wide eyes he felt his face and pulled his hands to a fist and then flat again. His face was concealed with sweat and the veins in his forearms were pulsating. "I'm still asleep!", the cat jumped at his scream and darted out the door. "Not again, I will not suffer this fate over and over at your will you wicked demon!". He peered out of the window and the bright July Sun soon turned into a black November Moon. He turned back to the door and noticed a long hallway which seemed to elongate to no end, but it did not scare him the least bit sense he had been in the same position before. "Stop this madness now I will not play your game any more you beast!". The hallway turned different shades of blue, black, and grey before constricting back to a reasonable length. He had to believe that the end was near so he began o run with full force down the dark corridor.  The moonlight shattered glass windows as he ran down the shadowed hallway. "The end, end, end?", his mind filled with hope, the hope that the hallway would lead him to an escape. He soon reached the end of the hallway where a door stood. He reached for the handle which sparkled in the moonlight, and twisted the handle, "The end?", he thought, but the door opened with grace only to uncover another elongated corridor with moonlight blacker than ever shining in threw the barred windows. He dropped to the floor in tears. "Inception!"

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