Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday December, 4th - Unrequitted love

  As a guy I cannot say this topic is something I think about to much in my daily life, but I do have just little experience with unrequited love. Love comes in many shapes and sizes, yes I know that you know that already, but it comes from literally almost anywhere. For me at this point in life I have not experienced a burning eternal desire to be with someone all the time, but I do have a eternal love for Philosophy. Whether you think that is unrequited love or not, I'm just going to role with it.
  Yes a unrequited love for Philosophy or the study of things or the study of everything that is life. That is the only thing I think about constantly twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week and the only thing worse than the endless loops of thought is that I could not prove or write what is in my head form day to day. It is an endless loop of questions for me sort of like when you try to go to bed and you cannot fall asleep because you're thinking of too many things at once, and it doesn't go away.
   It is very much an unrequited love for me, because no matter how much I love it, it stays flowing in my head forever. We cannot explain much of what we see and even more of what we don't, but people are so close minded, so inhabited in their own world. It is 7:00,time to wake up, 8:30, time to start school, 3:30, schools out, 4:15, get home watch a movie, 10:30 time to go to sleep, and boom! you are in your own little world creating constant loops of the same thing over and over until you are made to do something different.
  The fact is that I am not making any sense to you write now, but that is why my love for Philosophy is an unrequited love, and it is much more than a story on blog or one little loop.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday December, 2nd - Top Secret

  The clock strikes seven and the snow still falls. Roads are covered with ice and on top of that snow. Work is canceled for me at the San Francisco International Airport. Three planes have already been reported non functioning with frozen gas pumps and busted pipes, besides the taxi ways are to icy by far. However, my wife Lucia still has to report to the CTU for work. Government jobs are the worst! She decided to take a shower before heading away for the day, and as she stepped into the shower and I had comfortably positioned my head on the perfect place on the pillow, I heard her voice slightly brake through the noise of water meeting the floor of the shower. I smiled thinking that she was about to sing or something, although if she were trying to sing she had the worst lyrics ever. "Code 19185", was all I heard then her voice got quitter, but I still managed to very dimly hear her mumbled words. "So zombie apocalypse is a go!", words were still mumbled but I think that is what she said. I asked he who she was talking to when she stepped out of the bathroom door but she only gave the simplistic answer of, "What?" and then continued to get ready for work. I watched as she pulled out of the drive way in her dinky little Prius. "That isn't going to make it far", I thought. The sky was still spitting snow, and I stopped for a moment, I'm in San Francisco it doesn't snow here. It was at that moment that I realized she was up to something precarious. I called her several times at work but all I heard on the other end was static. I tried not to think about it until she got home that after noon. I watched her pull into the drive way and I bursted out of the door in questions. "What is code 19185 and what is zombie apocalypse?". Her face turned to a frown and she responded with, "code 19/1/85 you mean, and that is your birth date as for zombie apocalypse, that was the name of the party I was going to throw for you tomorrow, but I guess you ruined the surprise". "Then why did you go to work today", I stupidly questioned. " I didn't" she responded. " My work cleared some snow off some roads so that I could get a present for you before all of the Black Friday sales were gone!". She walked slowly inside with a raised eyebrow and a raised eyebrow means trouble for me.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday November, 21st - Ekphrasis

Van Gogh - Starry Night (1889)
 Starry, windy, wondrous, or alone come to my mind when I imagine this painting. The stars illuminate the night giving some things that had been covered by darkness before, seen again. A quiet town with mischief roaming around as children sneak out of bed because there thought was fixed on exploring the night. And no it wasn't scary to the children, and no it wasn't dark. To them it was a whole new world, a diamond in the rough only to be seen by the ones who wanted to see it. The parents slept there lives away while the children took nothing in the night for granted. Old crooked trees swayed in the wind, but it did not scare them the least bit, no in fact it ignited a flame they carried in a stone case throughout the night. They explored the farmers fields in the far east of the town in which they were told to never go near, but they did anyways. They Climbed the hills farther east of the town and gazed across the valley to the far west. This did not drain their energy, this ignited it. So with this flame that still burned, this flame of wonder, they stretched to the south plateau and then to the lakes of the north, and back to town without breaking a sweat or dimming the flame. It was late that night, but the moon still illuminated the hay fields and it still made the wolves howl their stories. It was the night of wonder and it was a night to be painted bright upon a canvas for everyone else to see.                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday November, 20th - Emotions

   Joy walks into the room with a cheerful smile on her face and turns the TV to channel one for Riley's daily dose of glee. Joy whispers into a microphone that lay calmly atop the small table in front of her," It's a Friday Riley", and simply smiles as Riley woke that morning. Joy walked out of the room, still with a bright smile printed upon her lips.
   It was about that time that Disgust walked into the room with a smirk on her face and eyes pitched upwards and to the right of her head. She walked towards the TV, arms crossed, and turned to channel one where Joy had left it. By this time Riley had already arrived at school and was taking out anything she needed for first period class that day. As she took out her last few remaining books she catches a glimpse of someone tripping another person and Disgust says," What has this world come to?", and struts out of the room.
   Fear caught the look of Disgust's slight smirk as he walked into the room cautiously. He sat gently on the couch in front of the TV with eyes 'a' wondering around the room checking for any safety hazards such as a concussion or tumor. He turns the TV to channel one and by this time Riley was walking into class with arms crossed and books in her hands. Though she seemed disgusted at the world she still had a slight confident smile on her face as it was Friday. Riley was in English at the time, so Fear looked out the books Riley had brought with her, but he saw no English book. He started to panic and ran out of the room leaving the TV on accidentally.
   Anger was standing in the doorway watching Fear run out of the room in tears. He walked to the TV, arms crossed and eyebrows steadily pointed downwards as if they were trying to reach his nose, and watched as Riley quickly sprawled out all of her books looking for the English book. Anger was tired of watching Riley search for her book so he stormed out of the room with an increasing temper.
   Sadness took slow steps into the room with her head pointed towards the floor and almost missing Anger who was throwing his hands in the air in rage. Sadness slowly but surly made her way to the TV and watched as Riley asked someone for their English book, but no one would let her use theirs sense there was a test that day. The test was soon handed out and Riley, now sweating in fear of failing the test, asked several people for answers to the test, but she got none. The teacher however had heard her talking and took her outside the classroom for a moments time. The teacher returned but Riley did not. Riley had walked to the principles office in sadness to tell about her cheating on the test, and so the day continued with Riley dragging her head upon the ground in shame.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday November, 14th - The Berlin Wall

 Vermin Germans they called us, Communists we called them, but it couldn't be foreseen that a giant concrete wall would separate us from our people. Today is August, 13th 1974 and the wall still stands tall mocking us a little more each day. We are the fascists, the Germans who live on the west side of the Berlin wall and another day, another year we live in the shadow casted upon us by this wall. The Communist say that we are vermin of the socialist state or east Germany. They say it is for the greater good of Germany, but we fascists see nothing more than tyranny spreading across our country. This is our country and it isn't fair for us to be treated like a rat. They know rats spread, rats devise plans, and rats destroy their enemies with what ever force they have. So in the hearts of all the Germans on the west side of the wall, we have hope that one day the wall will fall, and like the rats they believe we are, we will invade and strip their so called socialist state to nothing but a desolate land of broken dreams. One day we will invade eastern Germany and chip our marks of hate into the wall and do the same to them so that they will not forget who we are and what they did to us. And like rats we will strike.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursady November, 13th - The Macabre Arts

 There are very few things In life that have the ability to literally scare me to tears, and this painting reminds me of one of those things. Hell is a thought of pure terror to me and it could not be more vivid in my mind. The images that appear are similar to this one but you will have to take it as it appears sense I could not ever find a way to put the scene of Hell in someone's mind as it appears to me. Hell is dark and non-escapable. Hell is pain million times worse than you could imagine, and it goes on forever. Imagine having your arm being pulled off by brute force and then living forever with that pain. Now magnify the pain by a million and add torture. Now really get a perspective on how long FOREVER really is., and you have a VERY SLIGHT perspective on how bad it could be.
Art by David Olere

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday November, 12th - The Macabre Home

 He ran down the dark corridor knowing that his demise was close and his fear was drawing closer to constrict his mind with fear and anger. He falls to the stony cold floor out of breath and discouraged. "No", he thought "this cant happen, this wont happen again. I will not be restricted by this beast". He gathered his wits and stood facing the monster that had been chasing him for the majority of a year. Things seemed to move in slow motion as he stood. The beast disappeared from sight and the surroundings turned bleak as woke to be comforted by his cat that had been waiting by his bedside though out the night. With wide eyes he felt his face and pulled his hands to a fist and then flat again. His face was concealed with sweat and the veins in his forearms were pulsating. "I'm still asleep!", the cat jumped at his scream and darted out the door. "Not again, I will not suffer this fate over and over at your will you wicked demon!". He peered out of the window and the bright July Sun soon turned into a black November Moon. He turned back to the door and noticed a long hallway which seemed to elongate to no end, but it did not scare him the least bit sense he had been in the same position before. "Stop this madness now I will not play your game any more you beast!". The hallway turned different shades of blue, black, and grey before constricting back to a reasonable length. He had to believe that the end was near so he began o run with full force down the dark corridor.  The moonlight shattered glass windows as he ran down the shadowed hallway. "The end, end, end?", his mind filled with hope, the hope that the hallway would lead him to an escape. He soon reached the end of the hallway where a door stood. He reached for the handle which sparkled in the moonlight, and twisted the handle, "The end?", he thought, but the door opened with grace only to uncover another elongated corridor with moonlight blacker than ever shining in threw the barred windows. He dropped to the floor in tears. "Inception!"