Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday August, 15th - Kindergarten

  I'm not sure what my Mom is talking about when she says school. She says that tomorrow will be a big day for me and I will make friends at school, but wont everything be just like today forever. She has really got my head hurting with thoughts of tomorrow. The next morning my mom woke me up earlier than usual and I didn't feel to good about it. She handed a bag and said, "I'm taking you this morning to school", I say school because I couldn't say the word she said. It sounded wrong, and wasn't a word I knew. it sounded like, king ear garden, but I'm not sure.
  My mom handed me a bag filled with pencils and paper, I had no idea what it was for. I lumbered to the car and slammed the door shut because I wasn't to happy about being awake. We drove for a few minutes. I was peering out the clear glass of the car window as I always do. I like to think of myself as observant. The car then came to a halt and there in front of me was a huge building maybe 60 feet high with kids just walking straight into it. What was it, a jail for kids I thought.
  In amazement I walked to the jail with my Mom and soon I would become the dumb kid walking inside it's grasp. The bars shut behind me and I was in. There were kids crying and clinging to there Mom's and Dad's hands. I felt like doing the same but didn't because I didn't wont to be embarrassed here. I thought the inmates might think I was soft and beat me up. My mom then appointed me to a tall lady holding a book staring at me with laser focus eyes. She said, "Hi, I'm Mrs. Rachael your king ear garden teacher", there were those words again. Those words mocked me.
  I left my Mom and went with the lady to a room filled with things straight from the horror factory. Things I didn't even know about. Things I didn't want to know about. I was told it wouldn't take long before I could go home and was dreading every minute of jail. I didn't want to remember what happened that day, but when I got home I was filled with joy that I was out of the jail and I knew that when I grew up I would never go back to jail until I was made.

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